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Smirnova, V. (2023). Russia's spatial anxiety and the production of geographical knowledge. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (link)


Smirnova, V. & Golubchikov, O. (2023). More-than-state ontologies of territory: Commoning, Assembling, Peopling. Annals of the American Association of Geographers (link)


Toto, R., Grabkowska, M., Nientied, P., Smirnova, V. & Dragović, S. (2023). The Uncommonness of Urban Commons in Central and Eastern European Countries. International Journal of the Commons (link)

Smirnova, V. (2022). From the commune to the 'borderless world'. Russian perceptions of land and ownership. Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, in the special issue Conjunctural Geographies of Postsocialist and Postcolonial Conditions: Theory Thirty Years after 1989, 11.11.2022 (link)


Smirnova, V. & Adrianova, E. (2022). From systemic underdevelopment to basic urban maintenance: National priority projects in the Russian periphery. Changing Societies & Personalities, 6(2), 433-454. (link)


Zupan, D., Smirnova, V., & Zadorian, A. (2021). Governing through stolichnaya praktika: Housing renovation from Moscow to the regions. Geoforum, 120, 155-164. (link)

Zupan, D., Smirnova, V., & Zadorian, A. (2021). Stolitschnaja Praktika: Das Moskauer Wohnraumsanierungsprogramm soll auf die Regionen ausgedehnt werden. Russland-Analysen, 399, 2-6. (link)

Smirnova, V. (2020). Socialist and post-socialist urbanisms: critical reflections from a global perspective, edited by Lisa B.W. Drummond and Douglas Young, Toronto, Canada, University of Toronto Press, 2020. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1-3. (link)


Smirnova, V. & Zupan, D. (2020). Introduction: The city between center and periphery / Введение: Город между центром и периферией. Urban Studies and Practices, 4(2), 7-20. *Special issue editorial. (link)

Smirnova, V. (2019). Territory, enclosure, and state territorial mode of production in the Russian imperial peripheryGeographica Helvetica, 1(74), 13-25. (link)

Smirnova, V. (2019). Spatialities of post-socialist land enclosureIn N. Camprag & A. Suri (Eds.), Three decades of post-socialist transition. Conference Proceedings, 461-469. Darmstadt: TU Prints. (link)

Smirnova, V., Lawrence, J., and Bohland, J. (2020). The critical turn of resilience: Mapping thematic boundaries and modes of critical scholarship. The Geographical Journal, 00, 1-12. (link)


Smirnova, V. (2016). Resilience of capitalist urbanism: Transformation of American cities at the expense of social equity / Упругость капиталистического урбанизма: Трансформация Американских городов за счет социальной справедливости. Journal of Architecture and Construction of Russia, 1(2), 76-82. (link)

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