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My teaching interests fall under three general thematic areas

across urban studies, geography, and political science:


1) Urban Geography; Urban Politics; Authoritarian urbanism.
2) Political Geography and Geopolitics; Space, Territory, and Power.

3) Politics of Russia and the Former Soviet Union.



Kansas State University, Manhattan KS

GEOG 100 "World Geography and Globalization"

GEOG 200 “Human Geography

GEOG 490 “Power, Justice, and the City

GEOG 550 "Political Geography and Geopolitics"

POLSC 630 "Politics of Russia and the Former Soviet Union"

Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Research seminar “Readings in Urbanity

Research lab “City in the Periphery: Governance, Legacy, and Urban Theory

Research lab “Critical Discourse Analysis in Urbanism


Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA

ARCH 4034 “Building Cities” (with Paul Knox)
UAP 5104 “Urban and Regional Development Theory” (with Thomas Skuzinski)

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